Monday, December 1, 2014

The Kardashians--FINAL DRAFT--Aliyah Walker

       The Kardashians: Booty Women or Business Women?             

        Over recent years it has come to no surprise to see one of the Kardashian sisters posing half-nude on the cover of magazines or for a social media site. To opposers their actions have been questionable but others show nothing but support for the sisters. The Kardashians are constantly criticized for the way they rose to fame or being famous for no reason at all. A sex tape scandal, multiple short-lived marriages, and many seasons of their reality shows later the Kardashians are still relevant as ever. No matter which end of the spectrum you are on about your feelings toward the family, I think there is one thing everyone should be able to agree on: the Kardashians do have talent.
        Now when I say talent I'm not talking about them being great at sports or math. I'm referring to their talent to recognize what people want and give it to them. Do you think the Kardashians would still be around if they didn't make every part of their life interesting and open to the public? The answer is no. They have learned how to keep themselves relevant, they know what keeps people talking and their actions reflect this. 
        It doesn't matter what people have to say about them good or bad because they are capitalizing off of it. Every magazine article or social media post said about them just brings more attention to their name adding to their fame. They have successfully recognized that they lead an appealing life and that people want what they have. On their television show they broadcast their fancy vacations, the luxurious mansions they own, and all of the cool cars. They eat at the best restaurants and wear the nicest clothes. The family just has all of the nicest things. That is why people continue to tune into their reality show season after season, who wouldn't want to live a lavish style like the Kardashians? 
        To support my claim I watched a recent interview that Wall Street Journal held with mom and manager of the sisters, Kris Jenner which can be viewed here:

        In the interview with reporter Lee Hawkins she discusses the brand of the Kardashians. A brand that made roughly $65 million last year. You can read about how they did that in this article: The sisters are the face of many things including clothing, fragrance, jewelry, and beauty product lines. They have dabbled their hands into several projects and been successful at majority of them. Along with materialistic things their reality television show is also a hit, it is going on it's tenth season and it also has three spin-off shows. 
        During the interview Kris also lets us in a few things the audience may not have had prior knowledge of. For example, how the sisters owned their now extremely prosperous store Dash before they rose to fame. They were interested in entrepreneurship before everyone knew who their names were. I believe that even if they hadn't gotten as big as they now are that they would have kept their businesses running and maybe even expanded. Kris helps refute a lot of accusations made against her daughters and she stands up for her children as a mom and also a manager. Before reading this article I wasn't completely convinced that the Kardashians were serious business women, Kris quickly cleared things up for me. 
        People are always going to have opinions about the Kardashians. Some will be good and some will be bad, but in the grand scheme of things no one's opinion of them matters. They are a family of successful individuals, it doesn't matter how they reached this success they are using it to their advantage now and living a life many of us wish we had. There will always be people who disagree with their actions, but as like as everyone keeps talking about them then they will continue to stay popular. 
        Just a week ago Kim Kardashian West posted a picture on social media with the caption "break the internet" it features her taking off her dress and showing her bare ass. I am not saying that her actions are good or bad, but I am saying that social media went into a frenzy. Kourtney Kardashian, who is pregnant has done a nude photo shoot. She posted plenty of pictures on social media to show that she is comfortable with her pregnant body. And younger sister, Kendal Jenner has recently announced that she is the new face of Estee Lauder, a make-up brand. 

        They all showed the world by making the crowd anticipate their big announcements and sharing this over social media. Each member of the family has pulled stunts like this with social media and it's because they know the reactions that people will give them. They use everything said about them as an advantage because it just continues to make them more famous. It doesn't matter if you like them or not, everyone should respect the Kardashians because they are actually extremely intelligent. And even though sometimes they might use their booties to get what they want, they are definitely still business women.


  1. The argument for this article is that the Kardashian's are smart business people selling not only their products but also their name. I think that this is a very good article, and it is very well thought out. I guess that the only thing that I can really think of is that in class we talked about breaking up the blocks of words (which you did a little) and you could break up the paragraphs a bit more. -maggie wood

  2. She is arguing that the Kardashian's are actually smart business women who know how to make money even if it is not in the best ways. You explained your point of view on the argument well. Good job!
