Monday, December 1, 2014

Miley Cyrus and the Change Heard Around the World--Hannah Marshall

We all know about the odd change of life that Miley Cyrus underwent throughout the past year or so. She quickly went from Mom and Dad’s favorite Disney channel star “Hannah Montana” to a sexpot icon. So, why? In numerous interviews and one-on-one’s with Miley she attempts to explain to her audience the cause behind all the drama, but It’s easy to see that no one is convinced. I’m pretty sure that after being exposed to her horrid 2013 VMA performance with Robin Thicke we all wish we could un-see some things. Lady Gaga stripped down to her underwear during the same performance, but does anyone actually remember that? No, because Miley managed to grab the audience’s attention for the entire night when she introduced the world to her skin-colored, latex two-piece, and the newest popular dance move, “twerking”. On this night, Miley crossed the line for too many of her audience members, and soon there were two sides to her fan base- love her or hate her. (You can watch the 2013 Music Video Award’s by clicking this link: )

What made Miley’s VMA performance so controversial? Well, considering half of her fans are made up of small, Disney-channel-watching children and their parents, it’s blatantly obvious to them that Miley’s new look is over the top vulgar and extremely revealing. Miley spared no one when she was onstage at the VMA’s rubbing up against Thicke and straining to stick her tongue all the way out. Clearly she doesn’t care all that much if she offends half of her audience, but why doesn’t she? Immediately many of her fans began to draw assumptions about her going crazy, just like how we watched Britney Spears go nuts. Some even believed that she was doing it only for the fame and fortune that would come out of the media and all of the attention. Miley begs to differ.
Miley argues that what she does is for her own good and the happiness of herself, and that her audience just needs to learn to accept that. Following the VMA performance Miley decided to take her newest album, “Bangerz”, on tour. After seeing everything she did on live TV, people we’re baffled to hear that she would be showing her bare butt to anymore former Hannah Montana fans. In one interview Miley tells us how she things her “tour is educational” for children and young adults alike. Now, when we think of something being educational we imagine history facts and all things PG rated, not strobe lights, marijuana references, or giant stuffed animals twerking. All of a sudden her fans not only wanted to come for her music, but they wanted to see the show. This was a tour like no one has ever seen before, and that’s where Miley thinks it’s educational. She believes when you expose people to such an art form that no one has seen before it is considered an educational experience. 
So, is she crazy? In terms, her audience is actually experiencing something new, and everything they watch and take in is technically something new they have learned. So, well done Miley, your tour really is [slightly] “educational.” Listen to her album cover song "SMS (Bangerz) feat. Britney Spears by clicking:

What many of Miley’s fans refuse to see is that the change she recently underwent is only the beginning. Growing up is eminent and a part of life, and with that you find yourself and who you are. But how will she ever find herself if she doesn’t test out the waters? I predict that in the future she will morph, yet again, into something completely different and alien. The world will probably go through another sort of shock and we will be here again, debating on whether or not it’s reasonable or for her better. To prepare for that, I believe we should open our minds up to her and expect the unexpected. It’s not fair to jump the gun and judge her immediately based off her actions. We, as her fans, should take into account her feelings and emotions when considering dropping her as a credible music artist. She really does try her hardest, and if you’ve never been to one of her shows I recommend it, because her hard work is evident. 

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